An interview with David Wilk of WritersCast: The Voice of Writing
"I first imagined Madelyn as a grown woman, a suffragette in Oakland, whose birthmark and appearance enhanced her frame. Then I wondered what kind of childhood she would have had to endure to prepare her for such a role? How did this woman come to be and would she trade her fame for an anonymous beauty?"
Interview for the Shelf Unbound (April/May 2016)
"I traveled a lot, often alone, and met a lot of people. I gained a sense of myself outside of athletics. And I began to understand how similar people are, all over the world. And over time, too."
Interview with writer Mei Li Ooi--Passion Project Part I and Part II
Nancy's Bookshelf Interview--Northstate Radio
Clear here to listen to a Nancy's Bookshelf radio interview with host Nancy Wiegman
"Women of the World Interview" with Helga Sitkin
Check out my interview with broadcast radio pioneer Helga Sitkin!
Interview by John Gourhan